Why is it so great?

One Step Ads helps you to feature your business all over the world by publishing your advertisement with your own custom logo and information in one of the most affordable ways possible. With our integrated coop advertising program other advertisers have a invested interest in promoting and using your services, so what are you waiting for? Register and take advantage of our 1 month free trial offer, let your ad be live in our ad showcase, it won't take more than 1 minute to place an ad. At One Step Ads we will strive to put your company, or service in the public eye.


When you purchase and permit us to publish your ads, we publish it both locally and internationally to help grow your business on a global scale.


From a great experiment, we offer a unique coop advertising program, whereas others will help promote your interests, in turn you do the same resulting in mutual benefits, arising from being a part of our One Step Ads Community.


Are you tired of searching for new places where you can publish your ad? Many are expensive, with limited (R.O.I.) Return on investment. We are here to help you. Our pre-Approved ads are only $1.25 USD per month and your own custom logo is only $2 USD per month. Just sign up, relax and be confident that One Step Ads goal is for you to maximize the return from your advertising budget.


Still facing problem, we are here to help you 24/7 , please leave us a message and we will get back to you soon !


Business and Technology never stop. They are always up to date, if there is a feature you would like to see this site offer, let us know we love getting feedback on how we can improve our service to you. So why wait? Purchase an ad with our new innovative style, designed to incentively encourage others to view and share your product and or service.


Join and watch the magic happen...


We are ready to help you 24/7 , please feel free to send us a message .

  • Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

  • coming soon.

  • help@onestepads.com